Youtube Monetization Checker

Want to know whether the specific YouTube channel or video you're watching is monetized or not? You can easily find out with just one click using Hamphy's YouTube monetization checker!

Paste a YouTube Channel/Video Url Below:



How to check if a YouTube channel is monetized or not?

To check a YouTube channel's monetization status, you need to analyze the Page’s source code and search for the string "yt_ad." By doing this, the inquirer can receive the answer in the form of true or false, where true indicates monetized, and false indicates non-monetized.
This tedious work can be simplified by using HAMPHY's YouTube Monetization Checker tool, where you can easily check the monetization of the channel in two simple steps:

1. Copy and paste the URL.

2. Click on the "Check Monetization" button.

With this simple input, HAMPHY will automatically analyze the source code and inform the inquirer whether the channel is monetized or not.
To avoid going through the source code and searching for the string, you can instantly get the answer by using HAMPHY. To do this, you need to copy and paste the video's URL and then click on the "Check Monetization" button. In a few seconds, after analyzing the source code of that video, HAMPHY's monetization checker will tell you if the video is monetized or not.

How to check if a YouTube video is monetized or not?

Just like for a YouTube channel, one can also check if a YouTube video is monetized or not. To do this, one can go through its source code and search for the string "yt_ad." By doing this, the inquirer can get the answer in the form of true or false, indicating whether the video is monetized or not. If the answer is true, i.e., the video is monetized, then it can be monetized via YouTube or by a third party sponsoring the advertisement.
To avoid going through the source code and searching for the string, you can instantly get the answer by using HAMPHY. To do this, you need to copy and paste the video's URL and then click on the "Check Monetization" button. In a few seconds, after analyzing the source code of that video, HAMPHY's monetization checker will tell you if the video is monetized or not.

Is the result 100% accurate?

The result shown on HAMPHY regarding the monetization status check of the channel or the video is 100% accurate.

Why do I see ads on YouTube videos that are not monetized?

A few years ago, on YouTube, one could only see advertisements on a few videos that were monetized. But on November 18, 2020, YouTube announced updated terms and policies regarding the monetization of channels, the YouTube Partner Program, and the placement of advertisements. This announcement stated that advertisements may be shown even on non-monetized channels if they meet the following criteria:

1. The video creator may not have selected all the necessary rights for the content, and the third party, i.e., the right holder, has the copyright of the advertisement shown.

2. The channel is not part of the YouTube Partner Program.

Whether the channel is monetized or not, the advertisements shown will provide no income to the owner of the channel. The income from the display of advertisements will be received by YouTube or the third party holding the rights of that advertisement or video, claiming copyright from the third party.